Do I really have time for this?

snooze_buttonProbably not…I had a wonderful “sleep-in” this morning and woke up at 10am instead of 730 like my alarm had intended me to…Yikes!  But I think my body needed the rest, I’ve been so worn down lately with this Lung Wind-Cold invasion…errrrr….common cold that I’m suffering from.  I wanted to let you guys know that midterms start tomorrow… I’ve got botanical medicine first thing tomorrow afternoon, then homeopathy and asian medicine theory on wednesday, then acupuncture and microbiology on thursday and we finish off with clinical medicine on friday morning.  yep.  6 exams…not even a full four days…

So that’s where I’ll be this week – if you’re wondering why I’m not writing posts 🙂

Here’s to hoping I don’t annoy people during the exam with this feeble cough and constant nose dribble. LOL

Things to look forward to in this blog after exams?  Two new recipes and a little talk about free-hand needling! Ow owww!

Cheers my friends!

More on my hair!

Here’s some more photos of my hair…that I’m TOTALLY in love with!!!!!! 🙂







Geeeez enough pictures? I know I know but I’m completely head over heels in love with my hair all over again. It’s sooo soft. So healthy and so FULL!!

I guess while I’m at it I’ll let you know I made some lip balm today. I put a pinch too much beeswax so tomorrow I’ll add a bit of coconut oil to soften it. Yum. Recipe to follow!! 🙂

goodnight moon..

No ‘Poo Update

If any of you came across this blog because you were reading about my no shampoo experience then I owe you an update! It’s been 168 days since I last used any type of shampoo or conditioner! I discovered how necessary it is to brush your hair every day. And I mean every day!!!! after I shower I also brush my hair once it’s dry to remove any dirt that the water may have loosened. My hair is finally getting the attention it deserves!!!

To recap:
No shampoo no conditioner
No baking soda or apple cider vinegar
One boar hair brush and one comb to brush my hair first then to pick out the hair from the boar hair brush
A lot of patience

Want a photo??



